Tuesday, 11 October 2016

A fashionable dose of Tarot!

September and October is not just Libra season, but also, fashion season, at least officially.

Quite noticeably yet very underrated in disposition; Couture has been establishing a bond with The world of Tarot. Every Carrie Bradshaw who is well aware of what the runway has to offer does at some point of time wonder the beautiful yet unconventional illustrations on the highly drool worthy Chanel and Gucci gowns.

These illustrations are obviously that of Tarot cards but the connection depicts the state of mind of the creator of the dress and its soon to be beholder. It’s quite a known fact that Tarot is The Hermit (pun intended) and not The Wheel of Fortune (pun intended, again) Yet, a sizeable market lies in the fashion industry.

Every Rebecca Bloomwood sees a connection with the latest collection on display. Since most of her fashion bucket list have attributions to Tarot she is very most likely to opt for what she primarily identifies with. Say she is piqued by the illustrations of ‘Ace of Cups’; the card has a deep rooted connection with her life.

Not just Rebecca Bloomwood or Carrie Bradshaw or even Miranda but every single human’s life is the interpretation of a Tarot card, all you have to do is find your card and understand your life.